Pit Stalls
Please help by following these rules. No exceptions!
- Not all reserved stalls are concrete.
- If concrete, please remember your stall is between the Yellow Marks; if in turns one and two your stall is between the marked lines on the retaining wall. You must center your nose to the reserved sign. There is not any extra space for Slide outs etc when parked in these stalls. Stalls 49-68 have a little more space for slideouts. Please park between the white ground markers.
- Haulers with slide-outs will only be accommodated in non-reserved spaces
- The stall you rent is to be used by you and only you!
- If you do not show up Friday evening to race your pit stall will be issued to another driver.
- If something comes up and you are now unable to attend RaceSaver Nationals 2024, you must notify us so that we can fill the space. If you no-call, no-show, you forfeit your right to have a reserved space again in 2025.
- There is to be absolutely no subleasing of stalls during the RaceSaver Nationals!
- Special accomodations may not be possible, however, please note on your application if you desire to be pitted with a certain group. No guarantees.
You must pre-register for the event to get a reserved pit stall.